Ask The Preacher's Wife

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10 Do's And Dont's To Survive COVID-19

Heyyyyyyyyyyy UsherBoard!

I know it’s been a while.

I can’t even remember the last time I wrote a blog post.

In all honesty, I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday.

In fact, I wake up everyday thinking it’s some other day of the week and if I can be honest, I’ve already searched for “Days of the Week” underwear on Amazon!

Judge yourself!

Anyway, I’m praying you all are Scratchin’ and Survivin’ as most of the country continues to remain in a state of lockdown.

But as I think about it, there are some things that we should and should not do to survive this Covid-19 pandemic. My mailbox will be open when you get done reading! Ha!

Do NOT Be Late For Online Church

Lookey here Gladys, you KNOW you can be on time now!

Most churches have moved to an online format for weekly worship. Pastors around the world have adopted some type of remote worship service as they continue to cater to the spiritual needs of the congregations they shepherd.

And here you come…LATE! We SEE you slip into the live at 11:22am when service started at 11.

You DON’T have to get showered. You DON’T have to iron clothes. You DON’T have to apply 40 steps of makeup. You DON’T have to drive to the church house.

Therefore, you can ABSOLUTELY be on time to watch your church service as you physically attend Bedside Baptist.

DO Take A Bath Daily

I know it’s so easy to slip into the habit of lounging around on a daily basis. I mean, it’s not much to do outside of the house, so what’s the point of getting showered, right?

WRONG Dirt McGurt!

For those that have followed along here, you’ve read my story about battling depression in the blog post, When The Joy of Jesus Is Not Enough. As a person learning to cope with depression and anxiety, it’s important that I maintain some sense of normalcy.

That includes getting bathed and dressed (mind your business because YES, it’s mismatched socks, The Preacher’s tee-shirt and maybe a pair of his shorts). But the point is, I get bathed.

I know you aren’t going around people outside, but for the love of Jesus, please consider other the people in your house…even if it’s just your dog!

Do NOT Slide Into Anyone’s DMs

I know what I said!

Boredom from solitude can make you consider some strange things. My grandmom used to say “An idle mind is the devil’s playground”. That means, during this time when we have time to think and ponder, there is also ample opportunity for the enemy to seep in to control our thoughts and subsequent behavior.

  • Do NOT contact any Ex’s or anyone who is not your current partner in the DMs.

  • Do NOT try to see if you’ve “still got it” by sliding into single folk’s DMs.

  • Do NOT share any “inspirational” chain messages or JPEG flowers in the DMs.

  • Do NOT group message all of your social media contacts at once in the DMs.

Just stay out of the DMs PERIODT!

DO Take Trips Outside

It is OK to go outside on your porch. It is OK to go sit in your backyard. It is OK to go on short walks around your block or apartment complex (with a mask on).

If we can be honest with each other, I’m concerned for my African/American-American family and friends. The Preacher is about 3 shades lighter, and I’m basically white (without the credit score to match).

I mean, staying in the house for so long, not only robs us of all the Vitamin D provided by the sun, but it also robs us of those chemicals that react so beautifully with our melanin and keeps us looking like African kings and queens.

So, I’m just going to leave this here. Yes, you are starting to look like raw unseasoned meat. Go sit outside on the next sunny day.

Do NOT Follow Advice From Anyone That Is NOT A Doctor

From the president who wants to use Clorox to disinfect your body, to your cousin Mike who swears that lemon steam will force the virus into your stomach where it will not escape; STOP LISTENING!

I cannot describe how many “doctors” I’ve seen pop up via social media, who have found the cure to Covid-19. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in homeopathic treatment. However, no amount of oranges is going to cure the virus.

Yes, you should keep yourself healthy, which can help boost your immune response. But, please tell your cousin Rob that Covid-19 cannot be cured by drinking “herbal” tea (eh hem…whatever herbs you are talking about are the herbs I’m talking about).

DO Still Pay Your Tithes And Offerings

The Preacher and I wrote a whole piece about tithing in the blog post Ask The Preacher’s Wife: Why Is The Pastor Asking About My Money. Perhaps now is the time for you to read it again.

Tithing is about your faith and obedience to God. While many church buildings are closed, ministry is still happening. Therefore, your financial contributions are needed to ensure that the pastor, ministerial staff, and church staff are paid, AND that there are funds to continue the work of ministry beyond the church walls.

I am also a witness that God will reward the tither as He promised. My household has lost revenue because of the Covid-19 crisis. BUT, God is making a way as we continue to pay our tithes and offerings.

Some church mother who is keeping her money wrapped in a handkerchief under the mattress is mad at me. #SorryNotSorry

Do NOT Spend All Your Money On Amazon

In the beginning of this crisis, Amazon’s delivery times in my area were so delayed that I gave up on ordering anything. However, as delivery has gotten quicker, I’ve messed up big time.

I’ve placed so many Amazon orders in the last few weeks that I don’t even know when packages are going to be delivered. And honestly, I’m not sure what some of the stuff is.

A few things were necessities, like shampoo and conditioner, but I must be honest; I got a Spanx in the mail yesterday.

Where am I going though?

Don’t be like me! Save your money!

Pray for me, as I pray for you!

DO Take Time For Prayer And Meditation

The way God has been talking to me during this period of isolation, is simply incredible. God and I have been able to reconnect with little outside distractions. No longer am I concerned about maintaining an outside schedule, so I have time to spend quality time with God.

I encourage you to spend at least 30 minutes per day with God. Prayer should include a time of listening to God and time in God’s word.

Try it out for the next 7 days and let me know how you feel! I can’t wait to hear from you all about the transformative power of prayer.

Do NOT Feel Obligated To Take Over The World

There’s a meme floating around, which implies that a person is pretty much lazy if they are not using this time period to complete tasks, learn new hobbies, or launch new business ventures.


Millennial Guilt is real, and so many of us have forced ourselves to work longer, harder, and faster than ever before. In fact, our culture is so influenced by moving and doing, we miss opportunities like these to relish in the simplicity of life.

Set a few goals. If you’ve put off writing a book, perhaps take a day to look at the publishing process and set a time line for writing your first draft.

If you have always been interested in starting your own business, pick up a book from the library (or order it on Amazon) and learn the steps to file legal paperwork.

Don’t feel pressured to take over the world. Set realistic goals and work towards them.

And guess what? If you want to take this time to do absolutely NOTHING; that’s OK too!

DO Take The Time To Assess Your Mental Health Status

During this time, I’ve been privileged to lead several discussions on anxiety, fear, depression, grief and trauma in the face of this Covid-19 pandemic. What I’ve discovered in so many spaces is that African Americans are experiencing mental health challenges, but are not seeking treatment.

I’ve mentioned it in the last blog post, Ask The Preacher’s Wife: Help! I Have Faith And I’m Still Afraid, it’s OK to seek mental health treatment AND know Jesus!

This pandemic has us face to face with death, loss of resources, loss of income, and fear of the unknown. And let’s not forget the daily struggles we face of being Black in America.


Now is the time for us to assess where we are mentally and emotionally, and admit when we are struggling:

  • If your interpersonal relationships are suffering

  • If your everyday functioning is impaired

  • If you have difficulty sleeping

  • If you’ve lost/gained a significant amount of weight

  • If you can’t get out of bed

  • If you are irritable and moody and even cuss out the cat nowadays

  • If you feel like you want to hurt yourself or others

  • If you have suicidal ideation or a plan to end your life

You need help! And That’s OK!

Take the time to look up community behavioral health options in your city. Take the time to call the behavioral health number on the back of your insurance card. Take the time to exercise your faith, by allowing God to lead you to a licensed mental health professional that can help you during this period.

Welp! There you all have it! We CAN and we WILL survive this! We come from a people who have survived against incredible odds.

Let’s continue to love on each other, laugh when possible, and pray always!

If you are experiencing suicidal ideation or have a plan to attempt suicide: